Presentations by Workshop Participants

“Introduction to Good Practices”, Silvina Ponce Dawson

Rosaura Romero, Costa Rica

Anabella Benedetti, GenderInSite

“Red Mexicana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género”, Lilia Meza, Mexico

“Sharing experiences in promoting Women in Sciences, in Physics and Mathematics in Cuba and in the LAC Region” Part I, Part II, Lilliam Alvarez, Cuba

“Teaching Mathematics in Latin America and the Caribbean is a priority for ICSU Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean: necessity of a Gender perspective”, Karla Rodríguez, El Salvador

“Algunas Políticas de Equidad de Género en Colombia”, Carolina Neira Jiménez, Colombia

Alba Avila, Colombia

“Chilean policies for inclusion of gender equality”, Andrea Vera Gajardo, Chile

“Chilean reality in the education and advancement of scientific women”, Alejandra González Vázquez, Chile

“Oficina de la Mujer, Universidad Nacional de Rosario”, Alejandra Suárez, Argentina

“Some initiatives in Gender in History of Science in Brazil”, Margaret Lopes, Brazil

“Mujeres y niñas científicas construyendo paz”, Yuly Sánchez, Colombia

“Actividades para niñxs y público en general”, Alejandra González, Alejandra Suárez, Helena Nussenzveig Lopes, Rosaura Romero Chacón