Bogotá Workshop

We met in Bogotá from November 22 through 24, 2017 to discuss the topics related to the three tasks of the project:

  • Definition of  a questionnaire to survey the current situation of women scientists and science students. The survey will be based on the Global Survey of Physicists and will be carried over again by the American Institute of Physics (see e.g.: )
  • Recollection and re-elaboration of lists of good practices to improve the situation of women scientists across regions and disciplines
  • Discussion of new research questions and possible data sources for the study on publication patterns (Task 2).

In all cases our participation was aimed at including a regional perspective to address the particularities of the problems of women scientists in Latin America.

The Workshop took place immediately after the Workshop of Professional Skills for Young Scientists and Science Students that ran from November 20 through 22. On November 22nd there was an overlap of both workshops to share discussions.

The agenda of the Latin American Workshop associated to the ICSU funded Gender Gap in Science project can be found here.

The introductory talk of this same Workshop can be found here.

Slides on survey by Laura Merner.

The presentations of the Workshop participants can be found here.

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